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What we will sacrifice

Kim Idol

They can trashcan gay rights, rights of the impoverished and the uneducated, the rights of ethnic “minorities” (I’ve never been comfortable with that term), women’s rights, inclusive and wide-spread religious rights, the rights of the aged, the rights of those physically and mentally ill and the rights of every human being who sinks their lives into their job.

I don’t know what we can do. It should make us crazy enough to make a loud noise that disrupts the whole works somehow. No I am not advocating violence. I’d love to see a day when no one goes to work just to offer a comprehensive statement.

For lent I considered whether I would make the huge sacrifice of jigsaw puzzles and cookies (my slightly out of control habits). When I woke up one morning at 3AM and wanted coffee I discovered that my coffee maker was broken. I immediately dressed and spent the next hour jetting around town looking for a store that was open so I could buy one. The toaster died this morning and I WAS ON IT.

I can fix those things. I can only endure the big disasters which are rolling over my life like the weather. I can only teach what they will let me teach. If I do differently I risk my at will job. I write, I vote, I telephone, I write letters to newspapers, etc.

I cannot control the idiots in charge and I cannot control the idiots who vote them into power because as far as I can tell voting idiots would rather stick with what doesn’t work and with what blames the “others” for some kind of free ride than take a flying leap on intelligence and compassion, two qualities also on the list of what we are willing to sacrifice.



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